Today I watched a webinar excerpt called: The 80/20 Guide to Finding Your Dream Job. The title stood out to me because, hey who doesn’t want their perfect dream job?! The video was done by Ramit Sethi, New York Times bestselling author and founder of I Will Teach You to be Rich.

There are many essential things to take away from this video, but I am only going to talk about a few. Sethi revolves the video around his theory that when looking for your dream job, it is important to work hard but more important to work hard on the right things. He then suggests that we set a goal for ourselves. Instead of aimlessly sending resumes when looking for a job. Set a goal; for example, send out 20 resumes to your top choice companies if you get 5 interviews you continue on but if you are unsuccessful don’t keep up with the same approach.

It is important to focus your energy on the right things, and take different approaches when necessary. Being different and standing out is vital in finding your dream job because your competition is just sending in applications. Don’t be a part of that crew! Yes, that strategy may temporarily work and get you a few interviews, but after a while you stop pursuing a dream job and instead settle for anything that’s available.

Take a different approach; go around the normal scheme of things! Don’t spend so much time on things that aren’t working for you. Create a system, so that you are able to focus in on one subsection of your life.

 Dare to be different!

To watch the webinar click on the link below.

-Tara K.