Oct 6, 2015 | Default Management, News
iontuition’s sister company, i3 Group, has released a new playbook for schools to improve student financial success and student loan repayment. “Improving your CDR: A Best Practice Playbook for Higher Education Professionals” offers both long-term strategies and...
Oct 5, 2015 | Financial Literacy, Student Loan Repayment Assistance
College graduation is the point where everything gets real. You really do have a degree. You really did graduate. And your student loan repayment really is coming. Stay calm First thing to remember, don’t freak out. You do have the grace period. If you can pay...
Sep 28, 2015 | Financial Literacy, Student Loan Repayment Assistance
Despite being an important part of student loans and repayment, interest rates don’t get mentioned often in the news. However, it’s a very good idea to learn about them and how they affect your student loan repayment. Interest is money that is owed to a lender in...
Sep 22, 2015 | Press Releases, Student Loan Repayment Assistance
Student loan debt has become a central roadblock for many young people who are just starting out. Today, instead of sharing a ‘student loan horror story’, I decided to share 5 tips on how millennials can pay off student loan debt quickly: 1. Create a plan...