Aug 12, 2015 | College Planning, Conference
The former, linear model of success is obsolete. College students are not getting the return on education investments that they did just one decade ago. In this Tedx Midwest Talk, Jullien Gordon helps this new generation realize their full potential by identifying...
Jul 29, 2015 | Press Releases, Student Loan Repayment Assistance
CNBC produces Nightly Business Report, and recently NBR aired the last of a three-part series on Millennials and Money. In the video presentation below, Sharon Epperson reports on: Student debt ripple effect Each week we’ll bring you videos and presentations from the...
Jul 22, 2015 | Financial Literacy
CNBC produces Nightly Business Report, and recently NBR aired the second of a three-part series on Millennials and Money. In the video presentation below, Sharon Epperson reports on: Millennials get savvier about long-term savings Each week we’ll bring you...
Jul 15, 2015 | Financial Literacy
CNBC produces Nightly Business Report and last night, NBR aired the first of a three-part series on Millennials and Money. In the video presentation below, Sharon Epperson reports on: Smart Strategies to Help Millennials Pay Off Debt Each week we’ll bring you videos...