Apr 4, 2017 | Financial Literacy
Which student loan (A, B, or C) do you think has the lowest monthly payment? See answer below. Loan C has the lowest monthly payment. Typically, the longer the term of the loan, the lower the monthly payments. ...
Apr 22, 2016 | Employers, Financial Literacy
Student loan repayment assistance has become the hottest new workplace benefit, and for a good reason. Students graduate from college with thousands of dollars in student loan debt. As a forward-thinking employer, your first reaction is probably to jump on the student...
Apr 1, 2016 | Employers, Financial Literacy, Schools
April is Financial Literacy Month, and although we like to provide financial literacy best practices throughout the year, we’re glad April is dedicated to highlighting the importance of establishing healthy financial habits. To celebrate, we’re rounding up our best...
Mar 30, 2016 | Financial Literacy, Schools
We recently conducted two surveys in an effort to better understand how people experience student loan borrowing and repayment. The first survey, which received the name “Borrowers in the Dark” asked students and graduates with student debt questions about their...