Nov 13, 2015 | College Planning, Schools
More than 40 million Americans have student loan debt, yet many borrowers don’t have basic knowledge about loan management. Almost three-quarters of student loan borrowers don’t know if they qualify for lower payments on their loans. Nearly half don’t know what their...
Oct 21, 2015 | Press Releases
Happy National Financial Aid Day! We at iontuition wanted to thank the hardworking financial aid professionals with a bit of verse. Enjoy! Ode to Financial Aid Officers Hundreds of young students assigned to your care Higher ed dreams lofty, but wallets are...
Oct 19, 2015 | College Planning, Press Releases
You just received your financial aid award letter. Congratulations! So… how do you read it? Every college or university has its own way of writing the award letter. It can sometimes be confusing to know what you’re getting and what needs to be paid. Here are four tips...
Oct 12, 2015 | College Planning, News
Think you have a good reason to skip filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)? Don’t be so sure. Many of the usual excuses are simply myths. Here are a few we’d like to dispel: My parents earn too much Income is only part of the decision, and...