Aug 24, 2015 | News, Student Loan Repayment Assistance
Most student loans have a grace period after you graduate. Here’s some details on the period and how you can use it to your advantage. The basics of the grace period from iontuition Each week we’ll bring you videos and presentations from the world of student...
Aug 24, 2015 | College Planning, Student Loan Repayment Assistance
As fall approaches, the grace period is ending for many student loans. Most graduates will have multiple student loans, at least one per year. So how do you prioritize? Here are some suggestions we think will help: Get organized Organization always helps to prioritize...
Aug 21, 2015 | Student Loan Repayment Assistance
Since financial health and know-how (aka financial literacy) have never been more important, getting the right help at the right time is vital to personal success, both short and long term. From college-bound high school freshmen to current college students,...
Aug 21, 2015 | Student Loan Repayment Assistance
This infographic guides you, step by step, on how to use iontuition tools during grace period.
Aug 17, 2015 | Default Management, Student Loan Repayment Assistance
Heard the terms CDR or “cohort default rate” and wondered what they meant? And if they mattered to students? They do. Learn more with our latest presentation. How does the CDR affect students? from iontuition Each week we’ll bring you videos and...
Aug 17, 2015 | Student Loan Repayment Assistance
You may have heard the term “grace period” when you got your student loan, but weren’t sure what it was. Here are the basics. The grace period is a period of six months, or 180 days, where you don’t have to make any payments. It starts when you graduate, leave school,...