Jan 6, 2016 | Financial Literacy, Student Loan Repayment Assistance
Welcome to the first installment of iontuition’s Q&A series with personal finance bloggers. Freelance writer, event planner and blogger behind Dear Debt, Melanie Lockert, is going to share some great tips on saving and paying back student loans. She started her...
Dec 29, 2015 | Student Loan Repayment Assistance
Looking back on 2015, we’ve made numerous changes here at iontuition so that students, parents and employers can individually help themselves or those around them take charge of their future. One way we work to educate individuals is through our blog. We share...
Dec 16, 2015 | Employers, Student Loan Repayment Assistance
Traditional programs like a 401(k), healthcare and competitive salary aren’t the only benefits new talent is seeking. With the rise in student loan debt, individuals are looking for employers who are offering a financial wellness plan that includes student loan...
Dec 16, 2015 | Student Loan Repayment Assistance
There are several student loan repayment plans out there for borrowers with federal student loans. But how do you choose the correct repayment plan? With the choice of Standard, Graduated, Extended, Income-Sensitive, REPAYE and more, it can be hard to know which one...
Dec 1, 2015 | Student Loan Repayment Assistance
Revised Pay As You Earn (REPAYE), a new federal student loan repayment plan, has been in the news a lot the past few weeks. And with the alphabet soup of repayment plans like PAYE, IBR, and ICR, it’s hard to know if you should pay attention. Here are the answers to...
Nov 20, 2015 | College Planning, Schools, Student Loan Repayment Assistance
This blog post originally appeared on How to WIN Scholarships in May 2015. College scholarship tip: Know the organization One of the biggest obstacles stopping students from applying for college scholarships is writing the essay. Learning how to write a strong,...