Understand How Public Service Loan Forgiveness Works

Understand How Public Service Loan Forgiveness Works

The Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program may be a useful option for eliminating student loan debt if you work for a government agency or non-profit organization. Qualified borrowers may be eligible to eliminate their debt after just 120 payments, if they know how...
Q&A Spotlight: Stacking Benjamins’

Q&A Spotlight: Stacking Benjamins’

Welcome to another installment of IonTuition’s Q&A series with personal finance bloggers. Today we have Stacking Benjamins’ Joe sharing his personal finance tips with us. Joe was a financial advisor for 16 years and sold his practice at the age of 40. Joe and one...
Making Your Student Loan Payments Count

Making Your Student Loan Payments Count

Our counselors help a lot of people find affordable repayment options on their student loans so that they can get on with life and not stress about finding a way to afford this month’s payment. One of the questions we get most often is “what’s the fastest way to get...
What Student Loan Refinancing Can Mean for You

What Student Loan Refinancing Can Mean for You

Private lenders are increasingly open to the idea of refinancing student loans, which can be a big benefit for the right borrower. While it’s a very dangerous option for the majority of borrowers, there can be advantages to refinancing so long as you know exactly what...